Regina Saskatchewan Canada

Toronto Ontario Canada

Shelter Program

Emergency shelters are temporary but immediate places to stay for anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness. If you or anyone you know is facing a cold and wintery night on the streets or or fleeing an abusive situation,our shelter program can provide temporary housing and inclusive all round supports. Borderless Humanity has partnered with the various agencies to use their extensive knowledge and strong partnerships to help clients connect with the resources and services they need.

Housing Support

Borderless Humanity's Housing Support Program provides support to members of our community struggling to find and maintain housing. We negotiate rent for those who are struggling, mediate tenant and landlord issues and help those who qualify apply for affordable housing or make them aware of housing supports available in the community that can supplement or subsidize their rent.

Our Mission

Working to transform individuals and communities by providing professional development opportunities, promoting certifications, advocating for social change whilst promoting self independence and community self sustainability.

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Children & Youth

Borderless Humanity aims to be the difference every child and youth needs in order to succeed.
With the following programs in place we firmy believe that we can be that difference.
(1) Zero School Hunger: This program would provide families with schoolchildren meals or vouchers that are to be used for before, during and after school meals. This would ensure children in all public schools would not have to worry about food security at any time of the day.
(2) Never miss a beat: This program would provide reduced to free childcare (depending on the specific family situation) when a family needs to go for a job interview or is unable to find appropriate affordable childcare in order to go to or maintain their current employment work.
(3)Step Up: This program would provide mentorship and shadowing opportunities for our youth. It would require a signed commitment from the mentors and the youth for a specific amount of hours with facilitation provided by the mentors such as transportation as well as feedback to BH on the progress. At the end of the step up program the youth will be required to present an honest recap of their experience and how it changed their views on life and society and their place in society.
(4)BHARROW: Borderless Humanity is in the process of developing a reloadable card that families would be able to use for transportation during emergencies. This card would be accepted by all cabs and would have a code for Uber and Lyft that would clear their charges. This program would ensure kids are able to get to school as well as access the right medical attention when public services are unavailable or unattainable.

Community Support

Because everyone can use a hand sometimes,Borderless Humanity's Community Support program offers services that make people’s lives a little easier. From an array of programs such as nutrition,physical health, social well being and help at home, Borderless Humanity also holds monthly community meetings in its various regions in order to obtain feedback from the community and see what is working and what concerns there may be. With this information , we are able to take it to our relevant partners and those in charge in order for the dialogue of change or improvement to commence.

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Our Mission

Working to transform individuals and communities by providing professional development opportunities, promoting certifications, advocating for social change whilst promoting self independence and community self sustainability.

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Food Program

Partnering with businesses and organizations Borderless Humanity intends to introduce programs that provide food to individuals and families in need. With programs such as Zero School Hunger and our Ramadan Fund Program (which will feed and provides for 10 families in need every day in ramadan).We also offer an alternative nutrition program that teaches healthy food preparation on a budget instead of the unhealthy value meals offered at many fast food restaurants.

Toys Program

When you donate to the toys program you are giving less fortunate children hope and a reason to believe in their future. You will also be providing a child with the ability to grow their limitless imagination and as we all know all possibilities begin with play. Borderless Humanty is looking into partnering with Walmart and Toysrus in the future to provide our generous donors virtual ways to donate their toys.

Education & Training

"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Ancient Proverb
Borderless Humanity firmly believes in the Ancient proverb of giving a man to fish. Our motto takes it a step further by believing once you educate and train a person he will use that knowledge to not only provide for himself but also for his family and his community.And each member of the community pays it forward thus creating a self sustaining community.
Borderless Humanity intends to through our Education and Training program acquire grants and scholarships to be provided to individuals with the aim of increasing education and training access and quality for adults and youth in need.
Borderless Humanity also intends to provide training workshops and information and learning centres so that the communities can have access to resources to continuously practice self improvement and have their questions answered whenever they arise.